My Path as a Healer

My professional healing arts trajectory began in the late 1990s with birth work as a certified doula. Birth work overlapped a segue into body work in the early to mid 2000s, during which I practiced Thai massage, attended midwifery school, and served as an apprentice midwife. Over the last decade, my practice has centered around energy work as a reiki master and psychic medium. 

Unlike all other modalities I’ve practiced, I have had no formal education, certification, or official teachers and mentors in identifying and refining my skills and expertise as a psychic medium. 

That said, the modality that coalesced into the one I now exclusively practice is the culmination and synthesis of my formal healing arts education and experience, the unofficial mentorship of gifted teachers, practitioners, and friends I have sought out for my own healing and deepening, and the richness and wisdom I’ve gathered from everyday life. 

Perhaps the most transformative, impactful lesson that has shaped me as a practitioner is one that revealed itself organically over the course of decades of seeking to honor Spirit, cherish life, and support others to do the same. That lesson is this: Everything that occurs in one sphere of my life naturally spills into the others. They are dyed in one another’s colors, creating a single hue. 

Central to my practice is the commitment to continually seek to align every sphere of my life with the single purpose of answering my calling. I am to do away with arbitrary dividing lines between what I consider my “real” life and what I consider my professional life. It’s all one life. This one life is my real life, my real life is this one life. 


The Big-Smalls